Lee Da Hae

Lee Da HaeShe is one of Korean movie stars and well-known since 'My Girl' series in 2005.

- Date of Birth : April 19, 1984

- Height : 5.58'(170cm)

- Weight : 104 lbs (47kg)

- School : Theater and Film, Dongguk Univ.

- Bloodtype : O

- Hobbies : Watching movies

- Marriage : Single

- Filmography : Miniseries include: Green rose(2005), The sound of star(2004),Fairy (Wangkkot Seonnyeonim, 2004), Pleasant news(2003)
- Career : MBS Awards, Best New Actress (2004), Miss. Chunhyang Pageant (2001)
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Part1.2 | Part2.1 | Part2.2 | Part3.1 | Part3.2 | Part4.1 | Part4.2 | Part5.1 | Part5.2 | Part6.1 | Part6.2 | Part7.1 | Part7.2 | Part8.1 | Part8.2 | Part9.1 | Part9.2 | Part10.1 | Part10.2 | Part11.1 | Part11.2 | Part12.1 | Part12.2 | Part 13.1 | Part13.2 | Part14.1 | Part14.2| Part15.1 | Part15.2 | Part16.1 | Part16.2