Nine Nine Gossips

Nine Nine Gossips

After Nine Nine's wedding, Nine Nine and Sandy Cho's gossips seem so serious and hot at the same time over the media. As the gossips are getting serious and worsen the reputation of Nine Nine and Sandy Cho, director Mg Mg Oo (Snow White) and Ko Lwin are to sue the nonsense gossipers. People should not play kids to believe what ever they say if you are not in the situation. We don't know what the truth is. Anyway, the truth is going to be revealed someday what ever it may takes. So what're they gossiping?

The gossips are that Nine Nine's wife, Sandy Cho is not a real girl.She's born as a boy and now a new-half who did sex-change surgery from England before.Nine Nine knew that but he married her for taking an advantage.

I hope Nine Nine and Sandy Cho can overcome from being the victims of nonsense things. Even if some of the gossips are right, it is not people's business to hurt their reputation. It's their business, leave them alone. We don't really know the situation.



Anonymous said...

ALl of these gossips are NOT TRUE. I think it is very unfair how people just randomly pick a topic and start nonsense rumors. I mean if you have a brain then you wouldn't come up with such rumors like this. I think it's very offending to the couple especially to Sandy. Never in her life has she been talked about like this, till now. Some people just need to get a life and do something with it. Get your facts straight before sharing with anyone else. If you were to start a rumor say something that has logic to it, not something that is very immature and has no meaning to it whatsoever. Let me say this to everyone who believe this rumor and let me make it loud and clear, SANDY CHO IS A 100% GIRL AND WAS BORN AS A GIRL!! Nine Nine and Sandy are very much happy with each other and love each other truely, no b.s between them. I know all of these for A FACT unlike other people, because i'm a very close friend with Sandy. So please leave the couple alone and let them enjoy their lives. Sandy's a very beautiful girl outside, and if u haven't seen her then i suggest u don't say anything at all.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you very much for your comments sharing about the couple.

The concept of Myanmar-Chitchat is to chitchat with people to know what things are happening bad or good in Myanmar or wheresoever in balance perspectives.We're sharing the information. Myanmar-Chitchat has no negative views to others.

Go and try sharpen your perspectives.You are brainless yourself if to blame Myanmar-chitchat to pick this topic as to mean negative to the couple.Never we create this rumors.
Please read carefully with your heart and your brain.

I don't care how much you know the couple and how much you are familiar with them. The truth is the truth.Rumors are rumors.Only stupids can believe rumors and be got angrier on things they can't control.Not all people will believe and get angrier on the truth side like you.

Myanmar-Chitchat let people know what's the rumors since people can't find about the rumors.Again,never we create the rumors.You better go and blame on the persons who created the rumors even with the fake photos!Not here.

Anonymous said...

Listen, i didn't specially said it was ur fault that the rumor started or that ur website is making it worse. If anything, u guys r helping us out here and i really appericiate that. I didn't mean to sound like i was blaming ur blog or anything. It's just that the family and friends of Sandy are very protective of her and we're trying to fix this problem by letting everyone know the real truth. The reason why we wrote this comment is to show EVERYONE and let everyone know that the rumor is just wrong. I'm sorry if you've read this the wrong way or took it the wrong way. All the things we wrote in that comment is for people who believe in it or haven't got their facts straight yet, espceially to the people who started that rumor. We're just trying to make things better for our friend Sandy. It's funny how our friend is not making a big deal about this as we are, if anything she's the one that's taking this rumor as a joke and the most calm i would say. Since we're family and friends of Sandy, we have the rights to defend her and do what's right. Sorry for the miscommunication, again i didn't mean to make ur blog seem bad or blame ur website for any reasons.

Anonymous said...

May both of you be happy through of your life.
We wish this gossip couldn't become as a true story.

Samantha said...

I can't believe that someone would make up such a horrible rumor about her. I think she is very beautiful and they are perfect together :D

Anonymous said...

i know rumors are rumors and not everyone believes in them but come on, stupid rumors are stupid rumors. She really has never been to England before, she has always been a girl and she is one of the bestest persons in the planet. I don't mean to blame the rumor on you either. i just wanna show facts not rumors. i dont live by what people say and no one should. let's stop making up stuff and stick to the facts unless you have proof for it which i kno that you'll never find in a million years.