Thazin | one of Myanmar singers.
Here, you can find all her photos and link for what you want. Recently, she was unfortunately infamous for someone's clip which is the scence of Tun Tun and Thazin.
Thazin was once a member of girl band, named 'No' but had quited for her target that to be a model, actress and singer on her own.
Thazin was once a member of girl band, named 'No' but had quited for her target that to be a model, actress and singer on her own.
She doesn't know how to sing. She isn't much pretty and she is being proud of herself according to the word-of-mouth. For a professional singer, one should have professional style of singing and should have something unique in one's quality to sing that the audience can perceive the best quality of a singer's unique voice. As long as I listen her songs, most rhythms are very simple what can be sung by any other person who has normal quality of voice to sing. I don't think she knows herself to improve her quality of voice. I don't think she is that beautiful as well.

I have no idea what's she doing with the roll on.

After Thazin has gone from girl band 'No', it said 'No' members are finding for a new member.
nice shape..nice bum..nice bob..nice xxx..
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