Is A Mermaid Existed In Nowadays World? Is She Beautiful?

Is A Mermaid Existed In Nowadays World?Is She Beautiful?|

We've known a mermaid from different myths. We watch mermaid cartoons and we see human display different forms of mermaids in many movies. Is mermaid really existed today? The myth says that mermaids are beautiful having beautiful voices. Please read this story first and see the unknown half human half fish creature.

Well from the above story, Jeff Leicher said that the mermaid he captured was very beautiful.

But look at this one. I have no idea what exactly it is. It's not confirmed as the above that it's real or not. This could be fake. As we see here, if it's real, this could be an ugly (male )mermaid. I don't know how they call half man and half fish. :D
