World's Most Luxurious Mobiles

World's Most Luxurious Mobiles

Wow! How expensive for just a phone? Only the millionaires may have their favorite collections with expensive gems. Of course, it is for the rich. It would be good if the rich people just do charity for helping people rather than to buy these expensive things. Being contented is the best.

Goldvish 'Le million' - $ 1,000,000

Vertu Signature Cobra - $310,000

Sony Ericsson Black Diamond - $300,000

Vertu Diamond - $88,000

Motorola V220 Special Edition - $51,800

Gold Edition Nokia 8800 Phone -$2,700

Mobiado Professional EM(wood) - $1,900

Bang & Olufsen (Samsung) Serene - $1,250

Lamborghini 8800 Sirocco from Nokia (No price mentioned)

Gresso Luxury Phone - (No price mentioned)

Source:forward mails