Britney Spears | Hospilalized For Mental Evaluation

Britney Spears | Hospitalized For Mental Evaluation

Britney Spears has been taken to hospital for mental health evaluation last Thursday after she reunited with her mom, Lynn Spears. Lynn Spears has been worried about her daughter and she wants the best of everything for her.

Britney Spear was taken from her home by ambulance under a police escort to UCLA medical center. Britney spears went to hospital willingly on the orders of her psychiatrist to get mental help. Now Britney would be hospitalized for three days and doctors can extend her stay according Britney's condition.

Let's wish for Britney is getting back to normal as soon as possible and win custody for her two sons back and be a happy mother again. Britney needs loving and kindness from the media and needs her sons urgently.

Especiall for Britney's Fan Club.
Let's send Metta(compassion, loving and kindness)for Britney Spears.

May Britney Spears in good health physically and mentally.
May she overcome bad things and be a good happy strong mother.
May she can rise up again and get her two sons back.
May she be a better person and do good things for society.
May she meet good people and avoid doing bad things.
May she be able to see the light whatever problems she face.
May she finally meet her real best partner.
May she has a happy life.
May she be in peace of mind.
