Happy Valentine Day

Happy Valentine Day !

Happy Valentine Day to all Myanmar-Chitchat new and lovely regular comers. Just want to give a message that actually Valentine day, Feb 14 is a normal day. But people show and express how they love each other. Some people don’t take any matter on this day. If Valentine day does matter to you, let it be special that we do the right thing on this public special day. Lovers may send love and express love; family can show love by meeting and eating out and friends may greet friends with any postcards or gifts. But for teenagers, to make love on Valentine Day is not a culture of Valentine and it is not the right thing to do. There is a trend for some teenagers in some countries. There are many better romantic ways to show the love not lust. Let Valentine Day be a romantic and fresh day for teenagers. Parents should take good care of their teenage-kids well. Anyway, Happy Day to all!

Photo Source: microbophile@flickr