Nan Dar Hlaing & Naytoe

Nan Dar Hlaing & Naytoe

Check the couple photos of Myanmar professional actress Nan Dar Hlaing and popular Myanmar actor Naytoe. It's star couple post for cover story of People Magazine. I hope you like if for the fans.

Nan Dar Hlaing&Naytoe

Nan Dar Hlaing&Naytoe
Nan Dar Hlaing&Naytoe
Nan Dar Hlaing&Naytoe
Nan Dar Hlaing&Naytoe
Nan Dar Hlaing&Naytoe


Anonymous said...

They're not looking at each other which makes them look very weird and not romantic at all. :(

Anonymous said...

Nan Dar Hlaing and Naytoe
I would like your photo.