Employment Opportunity in Myanmar



AMI, an international medical organisation is looking for these programs located in:

1. Regional Speciale No2 (Mong Pawk and Pang San Tsp), Shan State.
- Senior Medical Officer “Project Supervisor”,
strong experience in management of team, supervision, English speaking, Excel and Word.
- Medical Officer “Primary Health Care Team Leader activities”, with minimum 3 years of general practitian,
good leadership, English, Excel and Word.
- Pharmacist “Regional pharmacy”, pharmacist diploma or nurse/doctor with experience, English, Excel and Word.
- Logistic officer. Strong experience in logistic field,
good manager, English, Excel and Word.

2. Township of Buthidaung, Rakhine State
- Medical officer “CHW - TBA supervisor”.
With minimum 3 years of general practitian, good leadership, English, Excel and Word.

3. Yangon
- Pharmacist officer “Central pharmacy”, strong experience, diploma or nurse/doctor with experience, English, Excel and Word.

Interested persons are invited to send a CV to 73, Thanlwin Rd, Kamayut T/S.
Ph: 526487 , 525246