Britney Spears Wants Hot Career Comeback


Britney Spears Wants Hot Career Comeback

Sat Jan 06, 8:21 PM ET

Britney Spears is putting fans on notice: Be prepared for her hot career comeback.

"The last couple of years have been quite a ride for me, the media has criticized my every move and printed a skewed perception of who I really am as a human being," the 25-year-old pop star/tabloid target writes in a posting Friday on her Web site.

Spears, who filed for divorce in November from Kevin Federline, 28, her husband of two years, says she is now more mature and free to explore her next move "as an entertainer with absolutely no strings attached."

"I look forward to coming back this year bigger and better than ever," writes Spears, who says she wants to go on tour and hopes her new album will be released later this year.

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