This Week In Gossip - Justin, Lindsay, Rosie, Tyrese


Stop searching all the gossip blogs, here is the deal:

1. Brit Brit passed out at a Las Vegas night club on New Year's, adding that much more evidence for K-Fed to claim custody of the kiddies. But lets give her a break -- maybe she was celebrating Justin breaking up with Cameron...defamer

2. Justin broke up with Cameron. This is fantastic news for me....and Britney. -perezhilton

3. "The OC" and "The Megan Mullally Show" were canceled this week. Nothing about this bothers me, except I won't be able to indulge in my weekly crush on Seth Cohen. Here's to syndication. -pinkisthenewblog

4. Lindsay Lohan was hospitaliz...again. This time for "appendicitis." If you look up appendicitis on WebMD it says "non-fatal coke overdose." I swear. -glitteratigossip

5. Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump are still fighting. And now Meredith Vieira is involved. Yawn. -Hollywood

6. LAPD is looking to question Tyrese Gibson, for allegedly punching his pregnant girlfriend in the arm and leg at five-thirty this morning before driving off from his Hancock Park home. Ick. -TMZ

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