Insurance Best Information


Insurance Information

Auto Insurance:If you own a car, auto insurance is not just an option—it is a legal necessity. And you wouldn't want it any other way. If you are involved in an accident or have your car stolen, owning the right kind of auto insurance can help to ease a difficult situation. The information below will provide some answers and help you ask the right questions in order to find the most appropriate solutions.

Health Insurance:The rising cost of medical care and the resulting pressure on health insurance premiums makes health insurance top priority if you want to have your health expenses covered at a reasonable cost. The current health insurance system is quite complex and constantly changing. The information below may help answer your questions:

Life Insurance:If you have dependents or other people with whom you share your life, life insurance can play a vital and valuable role at virtually every stage of your life. The I.I.I. can help you make smart choices when buying life insurance: how much to buy; which type of product to buy; and which one of the hundreds of life insurance companies to choose.

Annuities:Life spans in the United States have been increasing for over a hundred years. It is now common for people who reach retirement age to live 20 years or more in retirement, most of those years in good health. It’s good to live a long and full life, but you want to be sure that your income lasts as long as you do, and its purchasing power is as strong as you are. How can you manage the risk of “outliving your assets”?

Annuities are a unique financial product that, along with Social Security, employer pensions, your 401(k) plan, IRA and other assets, can enhance your retirement security. Discuss this option with your insurance professional or financial planner when mapping out your retirement strategy.

Here are some topics to learn about health insurance from III (Insurance Information Institute)


What is auto insurance?

What is covered by a basic auto policy?

Can I drive legally without insurance?

What if I lease a car?

Do I need insurance to rent a car?

What are the driving laws in my state?

Is there a difference between cancellation and nonrenewal?

What kinds of health insurance are there?
How do I pick a health plan?
Can I buy an individual policy?
If I change jobs or become unemployed, can I bring my coverage with me?
Where can I get more information regarding health insurance?


Why should I buy life insurance?
How much life insurance do I need?
What are the principal types of life insurance?
How is life insurance sold?
What is a beneficiary?


What are the different types of annuities?
What is the difference between a fixed and variable annuity?
What are deferred and immediate annuities?
What is a lifetime annuity?

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