Myanmar Chat, Chat Rooms and Websites

Myanmar Chat, Chat Rooms, Chat Websites ++ For most myanmar people chatters, MIRC software are popular to be used to download to join ygnchat room and more.

I. The procedure to go to MIRC::

1. Download MIRC software from here ( Download one with your suitable location).

2. Run the software and try to connect at MIRC Options

3. Insert name and information at "connect" option.

4. Click "Servers" option and click "edit" and write ""
{Remark: it may change time to time}
4.a Port Number is 443

5. Then click "Connect to server" under "Connect" option.

6. Enter the room name with " # --", e.g. "#ygnchat"

7. You may submit some more information to rewrite at that chat room.

-you can find more information about this on

(P.S) If you want to join #quiz or some other room, you have to register your nick name.
- You can register by typing /msg nickserv yourpassword youremail

II. The Myanmar Popular Online Chats

2. Chat with Celebrities at Planet
3. Shwesagar Chat
4. Meebo
5. Myanmar Gtalkers Group
6. Myanmardigitaldirectory
11Planet Tea Shop
12Myanmar bible
13Shwe Net
14Shwe Chat
17#bagan chat
18yamc chat
20yadarnabon chat
22smile's chat

III. Other popular chat softwares used in Myanmar

2. Google Talk
3. Skype
4. VZO Chat

Note: Most of the people use gtalk chat from meebo or other websites. If you could go to some internet cafe, you could ask them to open for gtalk.
-Most of times, you can go to meebo for gtalk, yahoo messenger, msn or aol and you can chat all those messengers at one place.

IV. All Myanmar Websites

1. Myanmar Sites


Anonymous said...

hi, hi

Unknown said...

anyone to chat?

Unknown said...

hi, anyone to chat?

myomtunsg said...

hi everyone

MYOKYI said...

hi everyone My name is JOHNNY
and i live in U.S.A <33

MYOKYI said...

Hi Everyone My Name is Johnny and i Live in U.S.A <33

niko said...

hi everyone mynane is niko

niko said...

hi everyone my nane koko

niko said...

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