Jessica Simpson, the most over-exposed celeb


Jessica Simpson, the most over-exposed celeb:

You all will remember Jessica Simpson and her interviews. I believe you may believe that I have heard in the interview that she could even laugh enough to release the urine. She is now one of the hot search list in yahoo and got alot interest in entertainment news.

Jessica Simpson most over-exposed celeb: It's one of the oldest maxims in show business: all publicity is good publicity. But according to a new survey published by, there is evidence that the public can have too much of a good thing.

Topping the list of over-exposed celebrities the public would like to see less of is pop-singer and actress Jessica Simpson, who is in charts with a new album, in cinemas with a new film, and has a range of beauty products in shops.

The E-Poll Market Research published by Forbes' said Simpson's "overexposed" score went from 17 percent in September 2003 to 41 percent in mid-2006.

Other stars the public would reportedly like to see less of include Tom Cruise, Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, and her husband Kevin Federline.

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