I Ching Wisdom For All


Hi all, this is the I Ching wisdom I want to share with everyone. It is indeed good for your everyday life to practice it as the way of superior. You can be self-displined and when you are so alone and lost, this can help you out to guide you to the right way. For those who are struggling life, you would know how worth it is for your inspiration to your destination.

Those things in psychic body later manifest in our physical body.

The mind is a creator, and what you hold there manifest itself in one way or another. If you hold worrying and stress in your mind, they will manifest themselves in your body as tension and pain. If you hold thankfulness and joy in your mind, they will manifest themselves in your body as radiant health and a shining countenance.

If you live in a state of perpetual hurry, you will fail to attain inner composure.

Inner composure means having a settled state of mind; calmness, tranquility. Whoever attains this state is then able to act without stress and therefore makes no mistakes. Constant hurrying wears you down, destyroys calmness, and puts lines in your face. Slow yourself, nurture yourself with the ways of the superior person, and all else will be achieved through the process of natural law.

When confronted with insurmountable forces retreat is proper.

If you persist in fighting a battle that is beyond your capabilities, you risk depleting your resources so greatly that you cannot recover. To retreat does not mean to give up the battle. On the contrary, retreating preserves resources and allows time to regain strength, renew forces, and make new plans. Thus, retreat makes new plans. Thus, retreat makes possible a counter-movement, which makes possible your success.

In financial matters, well being prevails when expenditures and income are proportion.

Out of debt; out of danger. Do not spend more than yoou have; credit enslaves. Since all periods of prosperity are followed by periods of decline, the superior person prepares for the times of cecline during the times of prosperity. If you always spend all that you have, you will be unprepared in times of emergency. Such poor planning leads to the destrucion of well being and invites disaster.

Do not be ashamed of simplicity or small means.

Simplicity is the hallmark of the superior person, ostentation, the hallmark of the inferior person. If you are following the path of the superior person you are the equal of any person on earth. There is no need, therefore, to present false apperances; even with slender means, or no means at all, the sentiment of the heart can be expressed. It is not for the value of your gift that you are appreciated, but for the sentiment with which it is given and the value you hold the eyes of the receiver.

A compromise with evil is not possible.

To end a conflict with evil-minded people, we are sometimes tempted to compromise what we know to be right. Such compromising is an error, for evil must be completely eradicated if it is not to spring up again. The best way to overcome evil is to hold completely to what is good. To digress even slightly from the path of the superior person is to start on the path of the inferior person. To continue on that path can only lead to unfortunate results.

photo from spursgirls' phtos at www.flickr.com