Kanebo Fuwarinka


If you like perfumes but can't wear them (perhaps they give you contact dermatitis), Kanebo may have solved your problem with their new range of chewing gum and candy. According to New Scientist, they've created:

A new line in chewing gums and candy could leave you smelling of roses - for 6 hours afterwards at least. Japanese firm Kanebo has developed confectionary containing rose or vanilla-scented chemicals that the body starts secreting 30 minutes after the treats are eaten. Takao Tsuda at Nagoya Industrial University found the most effective ingredients to be geraniol, extracted from roses, and vanillic aldehyde from vanilla.

The Fuwarinka range of gum and soft candies comes in two flavours, rose and lemon. Somewhat confusingly, however, the candies give you the scent of vanilla, while the gum makes you smell of rose, regardless of the flavour you choose.

(Originally via Now Smell This; thanks to K for the translation.)

Interestingly, Kanebo's researchers now claim that the very scent of roses is beneficial to a woman's health. Read more here. (Thanks to I for the tip.)